Complaints Procedure

Dated 23/05/18

Complaints Handling Code


Pebbletree Limited is committed to providing excellent service and endeavor to deal with any complaint fairly and within a reasonable period of time. This excellent service is provided in line with the ITSPA guidelines which works in conjunction with an independent dispute resolution service, which at present is Ombudsman Services Limited.



  1. About this code
  2. How you can make a complaint
  3. How to contact us
  4. Resolving your complaint
  5. How to escalate your complaint
  6. If you’re still not happy: deadlock and ADR
  7. Ofcom


1. About this code


2. How you can make a complaint


3. How to contact us


4. Resolving your complaint


5. How to escalate your complaint


6. If you’re still not happy: deadlock and ADR


7. Ofcom

Ofcom regulates us as part of the communications industry. Ofcom ensures, among other things, that all communications providers have a process for handling complaints. Ofcom doesn’t investigate individual complaints on behalf of consumers or adjudicate, but it can provide guidance on the complaints process we have set out in this Code. You can find more information about Ofcom by clicking here.

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